Tuesday, April 17, 2007

In Loving Memory

Yesterday thirty three souls were released like butterflies from cocoons, all ascending into the heaven's. It is said that true mastery is being able to see beauty among chaos, which is what I am trying so hard to do. Why can't we realize that we are all one!

I see yesterday not as a tragedy, but as one soul granting thirty two other souls wishes to depart this realm. I find peace in knowing they are all in the absolute where nothing exist but pure love!

This brought back memories of my late beautiful brother, I loved him so much!! You suffered for ten long years and never once complained, not one negative word was ever uttered from your lips. I never cried for you because I knew you were fulfilling your destiny and that you were at peace my brother. Although, the tears do begin to flow when I think of the moment when death was beckoning and your pain became unbearable. You cried out for mom, for the one who gave you life, she held you so tightly. Our hearts were torn apart as we sat helpless watching you suffer so much, we pleaded with God to let it end. Finally, you left us as gently as you came into our lives. I will always remember the night you left, I awoke from my dream to see your beautiful face telling me everything was going to be alright, you were safe now, and your pain has ended. I love you my brother!!!

-In loving memory of Patrick Michael Routson 1966 to 2005

-Loving father, son, husband, and brother.


Bridget said...

I am so saddened that so many lives were ripped from this earth. It just proves we don't know what tomorrow will bring. One thing I learned from Pat is to live in the moment. I miss him too.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to your brother, and to the people who died on Monday! You are a wonderful writer.

(a friend of Bridget's) :o)